Rules are current as of March 5, 2025. Clicking your division will pull up a downloadable document.

Effective October 1, 2019 — Driver must be present at Championship Awards Banquet to receive award and/or point money.

Call track promoter Bill Rozhon at 928-716-6300 with any questions

**Please note updates to Street Stock rules - 3.5.25

CLICK HERE for further details on The Street Stock Series between Havasu 95 Speedway & Orange Show Speedway

Havasu 95 Speedway reserves the right to alter or amend the rules and regulations in the interest of safety, cost control and/or fair competition. It is the responsibility of each competitor to read and understand the contents of these rules. If there is a disagreement or dispute regarding the meaning or application of these rules, the decision of the Race Director shall prevail.