Rules are current as of October 1, 2023. Clicking your division will pull up a downloadable document.

Effective October 1, 2019 — Driver must be present at Championship Awards Banquet to receive award and/or point money.

Call track promoter Bill Rozhon at 928-716-6300 with any questions

Attention Street Stock Teams and Drivers. For the January 18th and March 1st race dates there will be NO rule changes. Havasu 95 Speedway Rules are in affect for these events.

Some rule changes are being discussed for the upcoming Street Stock series between Havasu 95 Speedway and Orange Show Speedway. Stand by for updates and information.

Any Questions please contact Bill at 928.716.6300 Or Bobby at 928.412.7184

Havasu 95 Speedway reserves the right to alter or amend the rules and regulations in the interest of safety, cost control and/or fair competition. It is the responsibility of each competitor to read and understand the contents of these rules. If there is a disagreement or dispute regarding the meaning or application of these rules, the decision of the Race Director shall prevail.